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Duration: 55 minutes



DA Hoskins
Dance Artists

Danielle Baskerville,

Luke Garwood

Robert Kingsbury

Lighting Design

Andre du Toit

Christopher Willes


Danielle Baskerville
Production Manager

Oz Weaver

Jackie Burroughs is Dead
(and What are you going to do about it?)

Instead of monumental moments this piece provides the viewer with
a layer of consciousness and dares us to enter it. It forces us to confront presentness similarly to experiencing the death of a loved one, in accepting the gradual wonder of the moment at hand. In Jackie Burroughs is Dead the air seems thick with this oneiric texture and only entered with the soft gaze of a sleepwalker –The Dance Current

This physical installation focuses on how energy reverberates and grows through exchange. On September 22, 2010, days before initial rehearsals, the Canadian stage and film actress Jackie Burroughs passed away. Her death steered the course of this work as an exploration of the power of reaction — how we observe, absorb and ultimately respond. In Jackie Burroughs is Dead (and what are you going to do about it?) there is an echo forever permeating the present and speaking of the residuals of loss.

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